3 research outputs found

    Theoretical and practical foundations of mokken scale analysis in psychology

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    La Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem representa uno de los mayores avances en el campo del desarrollo de medidas válidas en psicología. Entre los principales modelos utilizados en esta perspectiva se encuentran los modelos logísticos. Estos modelos no son adecuados para todas las aplicaciones en psicología, ya que algunas bases de datos en psicología no satisfacen las suposiciones de estos modelos: unidimensionalidad; monotonicidad latente; e independencia local; y, para algunos modelos, funciones que no se interceptan. Teniendo en cuenta este marco, el objetivo de este estudio fue presentar los fundamentos teóricos y prácticos del Análisis de la Escala de Mokken (AEM). Presentamos algunas cuestiones históricas relacionadas con el desarrollo de AEM, además de las principales características y suposiciones de los dos modelos utilizados en esta perspectiva. Después de ejemplificar un AEM, se presentan las limitaciones y consideraciones finales, apoyando o procesando la tomada de decisión para investigadores que van a usar el AEM.A Teoria de Resposta ao Item representa um dos principais avanços para a construção de medidas válidas e confiáveis em psicologia. Entre os principais modelos utilizados nessa perspectiva estão o modelo de Rasch e os modelos logísticos. Esses modelos paramétricos, no entanto, não podem ser utilizados em todas as aplicações em psicologia, uma vez que um número substancial dos bancos de dados em psicologia não satisfaz os pressupostos desses modelos: unidimensionalidade; monotonicidade latente; independência local; e, para alguns modelos, não-interseção de funções. Dessa forma, o objetivo deste estudo foi apresentar os fundamentos teóricos e práticos da Análise de Escala de Mokken (AEM). São apresentadas questões históricas envolvendo o desenvolvimento da AEM, além das principais características e pressupostos dos dois modelos usados nessa perspectiva. Após exemplificação de uma AEM, limitações e considerações finais são apresentadas, apoiando o processo de tomada decisão para pesquisadores que venham a usar a AEM.Item Response Theory represents one of the major advances in the field of developing valid and reliable measures in psychology. Among the main models used in this perspective are the Rasch model and the logistic models. These parametric models, however, are not suitable for all applications in psychology, since a substantial number of databases in psychology do not satisfy the assumptions of these models: unidimensionality; latent monotonicity; local independence; and, for some models, non-intersecting functions. Given this framework, the objective of this study was to present the theoretical and practical foundations of Mokken Scale Analysis (MSA). We present some historical issues involving the development of MSA, in addition to the main characteristics and assumptions of the two models used in this perspective. After exemplifying a MSA application, limitations and final considerations are presented, supporting the decision-making process for researchers who come to use MSA

    Psychometric Properties of a Safety Culture Index among Mental Health Workers in Ghana

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    Safety culture among mental health workers is essential, especially in developing countries where workplace safety seems neglected. However, few studies have provided detailed psychometric analyses of convenient safety instruments with practical relevance for the healthcare industry in the Sub-Saharan African context. We sampled 574 (54.4 % females, 45.6 % males) mental health workers from three Specialist Psychiatric Teaching Hospitals in Ghana. Initially, we collected data using adapted items from Edkins and Coakes’ 25-item Airline Safety Culture Index (ASCI). Consequently, we conducted a Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) using the Diagonally Weighted Least Squares estimator. We also used the item reduction analysis (Gradual Response Model) to reduce the adapted 25-item scale to 11 items (Modified Safety Culture Index, MSCI- 11). Finally, we conducted reliability analyses (alpha and omega) for the MSCI-11. We observed that the data in the CFA showed adequate fit indices [χ2 (df = 44, N = 574) = 223.752, p < 0.001; CFI = 0.975; TLI = 0.968; RM- SEA = 0.084 (CI 90 % 0.074- 0.096); SRMR = 0.063]. The MSCI- 11 is parsimonious and has good reliability estimates [α = 0.853 (95 % CI 0.835 – 0.870) and ω = 0.853 (95 % CI 0.837- 0.087)]. Future studies should use additional cross-validation in other high-risk jobs to generalise the new scale

    Introduction and validation of the Short Antinatalism Scale (S-ANS)

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    Funding: This research was supported by a research grant from the Forethought Foundation and the Center for Effective Altruism.Antinatalism is the view that procreation is morally wrong. This paper introduces and validates the Short Antinatalism Scale (S-ANS) that allows researchers to measure antinatalist views. We conducted four preregistered studies with a total of 1,088 participants. First, we ran a study on Prolific (N = 296) and conducted an exploratory factor analysis of an initial scale including 22 items drawn from the philosophical literature on antinatalism. In Study 2, we conducted a confirmatory factor analysis of a reduced 12-item scale, also on Prolific (N = 396). Based on a Mokken scale analysis, we further reduced the scale to a 5-item version which we tested in a second confirmatory factor analysis, Study 3, on Prolific (N = 297), where we also aimed to provide evidence of validity. The results indicated excellent model fit (RMSEA = 0.012) and evidence for validity (with life satisfaction, affective empathy, and conservatism correlating negatively with antinatalism). Lastly, we conducted Study 4 with a sample of self-identified antinatalists on Reddit (N = 99) to provide additional evidence of validity. We find that the instrument is measurement invariant between self-described antinatalists and the general population and that antinatalists score significantly higher on the scale (d = 2.80). This provides evidence in favor of reliability and validity with respect to the final 5-item Short Antinatalism Scale (S-ANS). We hope that the S-ANS, which is freely available to all researchers, advances rigorous research into antinatalism and its determinants across a variety of fields that relate to the value of life and procreation.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe